How to configure Rails App to use Mongodb

In this post i will show you guys how to make your rails application to talk with Mongodb.

Mongodb is a nosql database which stores data as document.

Inorder to configure your rails app with you need to follow the following steps:

Step 1 :

create a rails application as

$rails new my_app –skip-active-record   or     $ rails new my_app  -O -T

in the above step we skip Active Record which is the default ORM layer in Rails.



Now enter the following gems in your gem file

  1. gem ‘mongoid’, ‘2.0.0.beta.19’
  2. gem ‘bson_ext’

$ bundle install

STEP 3 :

Now you successfully installed all the gems required by the app to interact with the mongodb database.

$ rails  g  mongoid:config

it will create configuration file in  config/mongoid.yml

STEP 4 :

generate a model to test your app whether it is connected to mongodb or not

$ rails g model article name:string content:text

and go to your model file and see that it looks like this

class Article  
  include Mongoid::Document  
  field :name, :type => String  
  field :content, :type => String  


so thats it you configured your app with mongodb.






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